From the Point: A Blues Hockey Podcast
Hosted by Chris Hoehne and Joe Gilbert, From the Point is a podcast dedicated to the St. Louis Blues, but from a fan perspective. These two close friends team up to talk hockey and invite a myriad of friends and discuss what it means to bleed Blue. We will discuss the past, present, and future and dive into how we became the team we are today.
Podcasting since 2021 • 35 episodes
From the Point: A Blues Hockey Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 28: The Jersey Extravaganza Pt. 1 (ft. Matt and Steven Webster)
Many of you recall a few years ago, we did a jersey episode featuring my brother Dan. It is still to this very day, one of our most downloaded episodes in Blues history. Since then, there's been some additions to the jersey history we've been i...
Season 4
Episode 2

Episode 27: The Full Monty
Hello 2025! Our first episode of the new year features a recap of our lives and the Blues season since our last episode in September (yes, we know, we've been slacking.....again). We rant and rave about the Winter Classic and how to fix it, the...
Season 4
Episode 1

Episode 26: Offseason Offerings
Hockey is right around the corner! Offer sheets and other offseason antics. To say that hockey has been silent in the Summer would be an outright lie. Chris and Joe offer their insights into a very unconventional move done by the Blues, all of ...
Season 3
Episode 4

Episode 25: Yoda Man (Alexander Steen Episode)
FINALLY! 25 Episodes!!! It's a personal milestone for us and to celebrate, we're highlighting not only some offseason news, but also the announcement of Alexander Steen being elevated to GM after the 2025-26 season! We weigh in on the promotion...
Season 3
Episode 3

Episode 24: The Boys are Back! (Relaunch Episode)
It has been a long time coming, but WE HAVE RETURNED! This podcast was on the brink of shutting down, but we missed each other and we missed providing you all our insights into our beloved St. Louis Blues. Chris and Joe catch up on life, the st...
Season 3
Episode 2